Jeff un-Seeney and the @CallideVotes question – #qldvotes #qldpol @Qldaah

A social media campaign to unite voters in the central Queensland seat of Callide, held by Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney, is calling for locals to vote for anyone but the Liberal National Party (LNP). The Facebook page ‘Jeff Seeney – Callide Votes’ and its matching Twitter account @CallideVotes have been attracting grassroots support across the […]

Fun and games in the Queensland Parliament – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah

Campbell Newman is Eliot Ness. Leaked briefing confirms existence of LNP robots. A tale of three crowns. Racism alive and well in the deep North. Flight Centre Newman Government guarantee. . Campbell Newman is Eliot Ness “Populist governments need an enemy,” wrote University of Queensland Professor of Law Graeme Orr in his 2013 piece describing […]

Did The @CourierMail misrepresent Dr Chris Davis? #qldpol: @Qldaah

There’s always an exception to the rule. In Queensland, it’s former Liberal National Party (LNP) member Dr Chris Davis. Elected to the seat of Stafford in 2012, Davis took on the role of assistant health minister in the Newman Government. He was a critic, albeit quiet, of the former Beattie and Bligh Labor governments over […]

Tinkler at #ICAC: The art of of good and bad cops by @boeufblogginon

  #icac Watson is on the point of corralling Tinkler in the questioning of Tinkler. Very clever. — Joan Evatt (@Boeufblogginon) May 16, 2014 Law students should have been at the ICAC hearing on Friday afternoon when Nathan Tinkler was being questioned. They would have seen a fine example of corralling a witness and one […]

The conservatives are back in charge, @DrCraigEmerson comments on brutal #budget2014

  If ever there were any doubts about the difference in values between conservative and progressive Australian governments they were laid to rest by the Abbott Government’s first Budget. It was the pernicious embodiment of conservative philosophy: treat the poor and vulnerable as malingerers while going easy on wealthy backers; and, in order to maintain […]

#Indivotes independent candidate @jenpodesta explains why she’s joined the ALP

Last year I stood as an independent candidate in the federal Seat of Indi – now famous for the outstanding win by another independent, Cathy McGowan, over the three-term incumbent Sophie Mirabella. Much has already been said and written about that. The experience of standing as a candidate was at once exhilarating and heartbreaking, but […]

Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report

[View the story “Visit to #BentleyBlockade on the eve of police destruction?@margokingston1 Twitter report” on Storify]

Frontline on #BentleyBlockade: @trisholaviolet reports

  Can You Hear Us – Bentley Blockade April 2014 by @ParisandDarmin Dawn at Bentley is magic. It’s the time when we most deeply feel the preciousness of the earth we’re standing on, and reaffirm the imperative of protecting it for future generations. Soft mist shrouds the gentle landscape. Rolling green pastures, trees just peeping through […]

The killing of fair play: @Jansant comments on what the ALP has lost

  I used to be proud of being born and raised in Balmain, the spiritual home of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). The area has produced and attracted some of the greatest names in Australian history, people of politics like Sir Henry Parkes, Tom Uren, Neville Wran and Herbert Vere ‘H.V.’ Evatt (aka Doc Evatt), […]

New Politics, New Media: On-the-ground #MarchinMarch reporting by citizen journalist @jansant

By Wayne Jansson  @jansant 20th March 2014 It’s normal to start a story at the beginning. I’m going to start smack bang in the middle with this one, as it sums up one of the many factors which forced 100,000 plus people to MarchInMarch (MiM) around Australia. I say forced intentionally. People don’t take to the streets in […]