Greens dare criticize coal and climate policies during #CycloneDebbie reports @takvera

Those uppity Greens are daring to speak about climate change while severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie beat the shit out of the Whitsunday Islands (Read this report of Hamilton Island), Proserpine and Bowen, and now threatens extensive flooding from torrential rainfall for central and SE coastal Queensland. The accusatory tone from Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal […]

#climate protestors close down Newcastle coal port for #Breakfree2016 as #ausvotes called – @takvera

When the politics has failed in taking necessary rapid climate action, more people will step up, to protest, to put their bodies on the line in civil disobedient actions. As part of the Global BreakFree mobilisation Australians blockaded Newcastle coal port on Mothers Day, Sunday 8 May 2016. This article is derived from John Englart’s […]

#Indivotes independent candidate @jenpodesta explains why she’s joined the ALP

Last year I stood as an independent candidate in the federal Seat of Indi – now famous for the outstanding win by another independent, Cathy McGowan, over the three-term incumbent Sophie Mirabella. Much has already been said and written about that. The experience of standing as a candidate was at once exhilarating and heartbreaking, but […]

East West Link a collision course for Victorian state election: @tackvera reports

In the lead-up to the Victorian state election in November 2014, the East West Link tunnel toll road continues to be a divisive and unpopular issue for the Premier Denis Napthine and his Liberal Government. The toll road is projected to cost $8 billion to connect the Eastern Freeway and Alexandra Parade to Citylink as […]

If you’re feeling the ‘vibe’ Vote Green: @senatormilne speech on #WAvotes

Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens National Press Club Address, 1 April 2014 I begin by acknowledging the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and acknowledge their elders past and present. And in doing so, I commit to the constitutional recognition of our Aboriginal and […]

Loggers ‘the ultimate conservationists’: Abbott’s environment vandalism policy

Speech delivered by Tony Abbott to the Forestworks Dinner in Canberra Tuesday, 4 March 2014 Julie, I want to thank you very much indeed for that kind introduction. It’s nice to have a list of things recounted to an appreciative audience – it really is nice. But the most important fact, at least insofar I suspect […]

Ain’t nothing like the real thing: #GriffithVotes candidates’ forum @GriffithElects reports

[clear] Video by Mark Doyle @ffrickenstein Both Bill Glasson and Terri Butler held virtual ‘town-hall’ meetings in recent days, using new technology which enabled them to talk simultaneously with audiences of 10,000 and more. These virtual meetings gave all the control to the candidates and their teams, allowed them to target particular sections of the […]

The ‘climate chaos’ challenge and the courage of candidates’ convictions in #GriffithVotes: @GriffithElects reports

 [clear] According to the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia had its hottest year ever in 2013 and we have now experienced heatwaves and destructive fires in the first month of 2014. Twitter went viral this week with reports that Prince Charles has said of climate change sceptic that they are like “headless chickens” (of course, we […]

Candidates fronting-up again: @GriffithElects meets two familiar faces

By Jan Bowman  @GriffithElects 28th January 2014 Inevitably in a two-party system, the media focus will be on the ALP and LNP candidates, and to a lesser extent The Greens. This is a pity, because voters can miss some very interesting issues that are often only prompted by the minor parties. Of the nine ‘other’ […]

Dr Glasson’s New Year’s Medicare resolutions: @GriffithElects reports

By Jan Bowman  @GriffithElects 4 January 2014 When, just after Christmas, the Australian Centre for Health Research (ACHR) announced it had made a submission to the Government’s Commission of Audit proposing the introduction of a mandatory Medicare co-payment, there were calls on Twitter for the media to ask Dr Bill Glasson whether he would support such […]