We need to come to terms that the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem and coral reef ecosystems globally as we know them, are facing extinction. It is a climate emergency. The reef is our canary in a coalmine and it is now dying from the greenhouse gases we have released. Early surveys of the Great Barrier […]
#climate protestors close down Newcastle coal port for #Breakfree2016 as #ausvotes called – @takvera
When the politics has failed in taking necessary rapid climate action, more people will step up, to protest, to put their bodies on the line in civil disobedient actions. As part of the Global BreakFree mobilisation Australians blockaded Newcastle coal port on Mothers Day, Sunday 8 May 2016. This article is derived from John Englart’s […]
#FossiloftheDay for Julie Bishop’s endorsement of #coal for Australia reports @takvera
Australia and Argentina shared a first place Fossil of the Day award for Wednesday 9th December at the UN Climate Change conference in Paris, for fostering coal projects when the world is rapidly turning away from coal due to the impact of greenhouse gases in driving climate change. Leader of the Australian Greens Senator Richard […]
PM Malcolm Turnbull at #COP21: all style little substance reports @takvera from Paris
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull waltzed onto the stage at the UN Climate Conference Loire plenary room on Monday afternoon. He was suave and eloquent. All style, but there was little of substance, or new commitments in his speech. He announced that Australia was not only going to meet our 5 per cent target by […]
Senate Bingo! The @sarah_capper column
A whole new class of players joined the Upper House this month, and with a record number of cross-benchers – 18, including the Greens – there will be deals-a-plenty and the “spin cycle” on overdrive. Cards will be kept close to chests; cards will be put out on the table; and, as the last week has shown, […]
Meeting the Greens party faithful in Wills and a curly question on economic transition @takvera reports
By John Englart 8 August 2013 I took the plunge on Friday night and went along to my first candidate launch in the Wills election campaign in Melbourne. It was organised by the Greens for their candidates Joanne Nevill, standing for the seat of Calwell, and Dr Tim Read for the seat of Wills. Victorian Greens […]
Time to shred the old ‘Gambling Action Response’ script, Conroy
By Tom Cummings @NoFibs Gambling Reporter May 22, 2013 There’s a script floating around Canberra, called the “Gambling Action Response” script. It’s a succinct little document that gets dusted off and put into action every time someone has the temerity to suggest that maybe, just maybe, we need to do something about the widespread incursion […]
Ashby Inquiry Proposal for Discussion
By Margo Kingston 22 January 2013 Two days ago Paula Matthewson, who tweets and blogs as @Dragonista, posted an open letter to the #AshbyInquiryNow campaign people challenging them on their strategy and aims. A stimulating discussion ensued in comments to her piece which showed that engaged citizens on the right, centre and left agreed that it was […]