The Singapore deal to acquire land around the existing defence bases at Shoalwater Bay & Townsville may have been kept from Queensland voters at the 2016 federal election.
Senate Bingo! The @sarah_capper column
A whole new class of players joined the Upper House this month, and with a record number of cross-benchers – 18, including the Greens – there will be deals-a-plenty and the “spin cycle” on overdrive. Cards will be kept close to chests; cards will be put out on the table; and, as the last week has shown, […]
How safe Gellibrand got its first candidates’ forum, thanks to a citizen journo
By Grant Philpots September 3, 2013 Gellibrand being the safest ALP seat in Australia, all we voters usually get is some articles in the local paper like this. It’s standard stuff: make a phone call and knock the photos off candidates’ websites. But I had seen a report on about a forum in Wentworth, […]
How the media stuffed up twice on $10 billion black hole yarn
Supreme confusion reigns among our esteemed media on the story, the players, their roles and the status of information released by the Government today. The Government claims that earlier performed departmental costings and modelling of the Coalition’s policies showed that they are likely to produce a $10 Billion black hole. Below is a quick summary […]
The chances of same-sex marriage in Australia: @burgewords comments
Supporters of marriage equality in Australia would have been forgiven for thinking the issue was dead in the water under the 43rd Parliament. We endured Tony Abbott’s predictable religious opposition. We winced at Julia Gillard’s incomprehensible atheist mantra against relationship freedom. We shed tears as Penny Wong assured us of a more enlightened tomorrow. Then […]