By Sarah Capper @sarah_capper 14th February 2014 International Women’s Day, on 8 March every year, is that time of year when we are able to celebrate, pause and reflect. And sometimes gasp. In the political sphere, we had our Minister for Women, our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, declaring at an International Women’s Day event that having […]
Women’s Minister Tony helps myth-bust views on feminism, by @sarah_capper
March 21, 2014
Filed Under: #auspol, Activism, Front Page, Misogyny, Sarah Capper Tagged With: Adoption, Annabel Crabb, feminism, International Women’s Day, Janet Albrechtsen, Julia Gillard, Larissa Waters, leadership, Minister for Women, Penny Wong, Social Media, The Australian newspaper, Tony Abbott, Violence against Women, women’s rights
The National Apology for Forced Adoptions
March 25, 2013
AFHP: The National Apology for Forced Adoption was a powerful, moving and important speech. The forced adoptions affected tens of thousands of people directly and many more beyond them. From the 1950’s to the 1970’s, an estimated 150,000 unwed mothers had their babies forcibly adopted by governments, churches, hospitals and charities. As the PM said “No collection of words […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Forced Adoptions Tagged With: Adoption, Family, Forced Adoptions, Indigenous Australians, National Apology for Forced Adoption, Stolen Generations