From this day backwards: @burgewords on the long journey to Australia’s first lesbian marriage

Here we were on the other side of the world not being able to have clarified which of our relationships was valid. WHEN Australian same-sex couples were finally granted equal access to the Marriage Act in December 2017, the widespread expression of relief was tempered by a growing awareness of a legal minefield. Brisbane couple […]

Bad fairy at the wedding: @burgewords on the curse of #MarriageEquality activism

I’D like to briefly hold your attention in this short period before marriage equality is legislated in Australia, because nobody will ever give a second thought to the years of struggle that led to this week’s resounding public vote for same-sex dignity. The concept of marriage equality first hit me like a bullet in 2004, […]

Andrew Bolt picks up a #GoldKenny award – @Qldaah #auspol #qldpol

Andrew Bolt breaks Godwin’s Law in marriage equality campaign.

#VoteYes in the #MarriageEquality survey, just don’t expect a unifying moment: @burgewords comments

A sad, embarrassing uncle – let’s call him Malcolm – is trying to get us to pull his cracker, but we know what’s coming. A PUBLIC vote on marriage equality is delivering what some Australians have craved for years: an excuse to publicly trash LGBTIQ dignity. The usual pundits are hailing the Coalition’s survey as […]

Marriage equality plebiscite to resolve Coalition’s internal disagreement – @qldaah #auspol

Opinion The federal government is asking the people of Australia to resolve an internal party disagreement over same-sex marriage by conducting a plebiscite. We know this because Queensland Coalition MP for Dawson, George Christensen, doesn’t support same-sex marriage. Only yesterday he Tweeted his joy at Labor for “scuttling the plebiscite”. We know South Australian Coalition Senator […]

Divorced from reality: @burgewords comments on the Coalition’s #MarriageEquality problem

The Coalition will just have to take care of itself, because the political wedge has finally hit its target. AFTER the Coalition’s narrow win, the plebiscite on Marriage Equality should be getting ready to kick off, yet the same election promise has been blamed for the major swing against Malcolm Turnbull. And the paradox has […]

It’s too late for #MarriageEquality in Australia: @burgewords #CreatingWaves

IN April 2013 Guardian Australia journalist Gay Alcorn declared the culture war was over for marriage equality and confidently asserted that after “a year or two” LGBTQI couples would bask in the same connubial rights as straight Australians. She declared the debate “interminably dull” and credited lobby group Australian Marriage Equality’s (AME) latest pitch for support – […]

An LGBT silly season Storify by @burgewords

[View the story “Faith, hope and same-sex love in two hemispheres” on Storify]

Independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber: @gemoo4 interview

By Georgie Moore  @gemoo4 5 September 2013 Candidate Q&A I talk politics with independent candidate for Higgins Graeme Weber. Georgie: You are running as an independent pro-nuclear conservative. When people think of a conservative political candidate, the first thing that crosses their mind usually isn’t a push for nuclear power. Do you think your candidacy has […]

Tactics get tough as McGowan’s orange horde surprises Mirabella in Indi

By Wayne Jansson September 4, 2013 Reports started emerging on Saturday that sitting Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella, fighting to retain the seat of Indi, had shipped in over 20 Young Liberals from her alma mater, the University of Melbourne. .@Indigocathy says Sophie bussing in Melbourne young Libs for final #Indivotes fling Media Alert: McGowan (cont) […]