The conservatives are back in charge, @DrCraigEmerson comments on brutal #budget2014

  If ever there were any doubts about the difference in values between conservative and progressive Australian governments they were laid to rest by the Abbott Government’s first Budget. It was the pernicious embodiment of conservative philosophy: treat the poor and vulnerable as malingerers while going easy on wealthy backers; and, in order to maintain […]

Reading the #WAvotes tea leaves: @sarah_capper

[clear]   Following an Australian Electoral Commission bungle after the federal Senate count last September, West Australians were forced back to the polls earlier this month, in what was supposed to represent either an endorsement for Tony Abbott’s Government and policies – or it would instead show an improvement in Labor’s poor vote in the state last […]

The killing of fair play: @Jansant comments on what the ALP has lost

  I used to be proud of being born and raised in Balmain, the spiritual home of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). The area has produced and attracted some of the greatest names in Australian history, people of politics like Sir Henry Parkes, Tom Uren, Neville Wran and Herbert Vere ‘H.V.’ Evatt (aka Doc Evatt), […]

A journey to independence via Young Libs, Greens and a close call with ALP

By Su Dharmapala July 31, 2013 My first article last week about Deakin – Labor’s second most marginal seat – was met with predictable howls of foul play from the twitterati. “She is an ALP stooge, can’t believe a word she says,” they screamed. Okay, so it was single howl and not particularly loud, but […]

A permanent Labor-Greens alliance: A radical idea to save Labor

By Scott Williams 26 June 2013 Review of Why Labor should savour its Greens (Scribe, 2013) I have never been a student of politics or economics. My interest in politics has usually revolved around shouting at Q&A and making attempts at humorous troll baiting on the Twitter #auspol hashtag. Most of my reading is of […]

Roxon reflections

by Nicola Roxon 18 June 2013 Hansard source On indulgence—I intend to start this speech rather than finish it with my personal thanks, because I think they are the easy ones to miss at the end in a rush. All that we as politicians can achieve for the community fundamentally relies on a lot of […]

I want to vote Labor – give me a reason!

By Noely Neate March 25, 2013 Every  man and his dog has given up Labor as a dead loss for the election in September.  I am not so sure. John Howard was pretty much in that position at one stage. and it was only the intervention of  Tampa and Twin Towers Towers that saved his […]

The view from Rooty Hill on last week’s invasion

By Pascal Grosvenor March11, 2013 I attended St Agnes high school at Rooty Hill from years 7 to 10.  I went to Loyola College next to the RSL in years 11 and 12.  My mother still lives in Rooty Hill, and my grandmother lived in the Catholic nursing home next to St Agnes for quite […]

The round-up: For whom the poll ticks

By Sarah Capper, Sheilas Editor VOTER support for Labor has jumped to its strongest levels since the last election to put the federal government within striking distance of the Coalition … This story appeared not two years ago, not six months ago, but less than six weeks ago, on 15 January, 2013 (in The Australian […]