Margo: Jan Barham was the Mayor of Byron Shire, the first directly elected Green mayor in Australia. She is a Greens member of the NSW Legislative Council, and the Party’s spokesperson on Northern NSW. Here is her speech to Parliament on May 6 imploring the Government to reverse its order for riot police to smash […]
Dear @mikebairdMP, respect the people and tell police not to smash #BentleyBlockade, by @janbarham
The old gross-debt net-debt trick, the #qldpol weekly wrap: @Qldaah
Youth employment payout With Queensland named the second highest in youth unemployment in the nation, at 13.4 per cent, The Sunday Mail has reported that the Abbott Government proposes to pay incentives and expenses for unemployed who stay in work. An allocation of $40 million has been set aside to pay youth to relocate to […]
A pollie lied and actually got pinged for it! Barry O’Farrell gives punters Easter cheer: @YaThinkN comments
[clear] Okay we all know that Sydney is the centre of the Universe; just ask every major paper and the TV stations. This week has been particularly bad for those that are not fortunate enough to live in the most important city in the country – yes, note use of sarcasm font there – […]
Digging up the drama: @1moretalk reports the demise of the Environmental Defender’s Office
By Graeme Gibson @1moretalk For nearly 30 years Michael and Margaret (not their real names) have lived on their block outside a small north Queensland sugar town. During the sugar harvesting season they put up with a lot of truck traffic, and, being on an unsealed road, a lot of dust. “It’s so thick sometimes […]