The National Seniors held a forum, Monday, at the Mandurah Netball Pavilion. The Forum was opened by, Michael O’Neill CEO of the Australian National Seniors presented. There were two candidates Andrew Hastie (Lib) and, Matt Keogh (@mattkeogh) (ALP). He said that other candidates had been invited and he had received apologies from, Dr Vanessa Rauland […]
Hastie faces #CanningVotes senior wrath over human rights abuses of Government: @Jackthelad1947 reports
September 17, 2015
Hastie solar forum no show while #CanningVotes talks renewable energy: @Jackthelad1947 reports
September 14, 2015
The Australian Solar Council held a Save Solar Forum at Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club on Sunday. As the national voice of the solar industry they have invested more than $60,000 into the Canning by-election in an effort to save jobs and cut power bills for the people of Canning. The Solar Council says that […]