by Margo Kingston 19 August 2013 It’s over for Labor. I knew it intellectually when I saw Rudd steal from the Coalition the Northern Australia policy Labor had already destroyed, then hold up a bottle of vegemite to scare voters about a GST Abbott had convincingly ruled out in his first term. I felt it when […]
Time for policy meat from the incoming Abbott government, but how can we get it?
August 19, 2013
Filed Under: #auspol, #MediaMargo, election2013, Front Page, Margo Kingston, Outside the Bubble Tagged With: Boat people, Climate Change Authority, Coalition, CSIRO, Education, ETS, Fear, Hartcher, Insiders, Laura Tingle, Malcolm Turnbull, Margo Kingston, NBN, NDIS, PPL, Press, Press Gallery, Scott Morrison, Social Media, Tony Abbott
New climate change policy play: @georgefwoods reports
July 17, 2013

By Georgina Woods 17 July 2013 The announcement this week that Australia would move one year early to its emissions trading scheme – and make budget cuts to pay for it – has cleared the stage for the election to be fought on climate change, but not in the way that our political parties may […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Climate Change, election2013, Federal Election, Front Page, Georgina Woods Tagged With: Biodiversity Fund, Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Carbon Price, Clean Technology Fund, Climate Change Authority, Climate Commission, CPRS, emissions trading scheme, ETS, Greenpeace, International Energy Agency, Prime Minister Rudd