#CommanderInGaffe – PM bumbles his way through “Allegiance to Australia” bill: @Qldaah #auspol

Blog of media reports on the “Commander-in-gaffe” story. Check back regularly for updates.

 Commander-In-Gaffe - Bumbling PM reveals secret ASIO terrorism maps to the world.

(June 26, 2015)  – ASIO using Washington Post maps.
(June 25, 2015)  – Questions over maps.
(June 24, 2015)  – Abbott in ASIO bunker.



As his “Allegiance to Australia” legislation was about to be commended to the House, Prime Minister Tony Abbott took the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation for a photo opportunity. On the desk before the media were multiple maps indicating where ASIO intelligence indicated terrorist suspects were likely to emerge from in Australian suburbs.


(June 26, 2015)  – ASIO using Washington Post maps

Is ASIO relying on the Washington Post?


(June 25, 2015)  – Questions over maps

Labor gagged

  • SBS News reported, “The Abbott government has shut down a move by Labor to have parliament censure the prime minister over what it claimed was a breach of national security during a visit to ASIO headquarters.”: Labor gagged over ASIO maps censure.

PM’s message

ABC News 24: Tony Abbott's message to those living in terror hotspots.

ABC News 24: Tony Abbott’s message to those living in terror hotspots.

Keep it to yourself – Vic Premier

  • Nine News Melbourne reported, “If Tony Abbott can’t keep confidential ASIO information to himself, Victoria’s premier reckons he should keep the media out of security briefings. Premier Daniel Andrews says sensitive ASIO briefings should be kept private after two Melbourne suburbs were revealed as ASIO’s Australian terror hotspots during a picture opportunity with the prime minister on Wednesday.”: Keep ASIO secrets safe: Andrews to PM.

PM denies security breach

ASIO terrorism details laid bare


(June 24, 2015)  – Abbott in ASIO bunker

The “Allegiance to Australia” photo-op

ABC News 24: Allegiance to Australia laws presented - Tony Abbott goes to the ASIO bunker.

ABC News 24: Allegiance to Australia laws presented – Tony Abbott goes to the ASIO bunker.

Lane Calcutt reported: The legislation to strip terror suspects of their Australian citizenship is now before Federal Parliament, with Labor indicating it is likely to support the Bill..

Lane Calcutt reported: The legislation to strip terror suspects of their Australian citizenship is now before Federal Parliament, with Labor indicating it is likely to support the Bill..

Donate for safety campaign by Victorian Liberal Party



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  1. I just don’t trust this guy. Something about him that reminds me of David Cameron, who I also don’t trust.

  2. Rosemary Smith says

    Tony Abbott and team, are a disgrace!! They attack all those who dare question the dictatorial ways of this Government. Is this Australia? Wake up everyone this Government is using scare mongering tactics to get re-elected and doing untold damage along the way. We should be asking why after all the billions of dollars that have been poured into security why aren’t Australians safe? Who is not doing their job in Government and related agencies? Is the money being well spent?
    This Government should stop fear-mongering, and do their bloody job properly using the taxes of the Australian people!!