This afternoon the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, ruled that the two large climate marches in Paris and the main cities in France on November 29 and December 12 would be prohibited. Negotiations between climate activist organisations and the French state have been ocurring early this week regarding approval for civil society public events and […]
Solidarity with the murdered victims in Paris: @takvera reports from #Nantes #jesuisparis
My journey to the UN climate conference in Paris has involved staying in the regional city of Nantes for a week. Too short a period to do it justice, I fear. The atrocities committed in Paris have already overshadowed my stay in this green and progressive city. I attended a meeting in Nantes last Friday […]
Terrorism in Paris casts a cloud across UN #climate conference says @takvera #jesuisparis
People around the world will have woken this morning to news of the horrific terrorism attacks in Paris on a Friday night. Over 120 dead, more than 200 injured, many seriously, at six sites. Seven of the eight attackers blew themselves up with strapped on suicide vests and an eighth attacker was shot by police […]
#CommanderInGaffe – PM bumbles his way through “Allegiance to Australia” bill: @Qldaah #auspol
Blog of media reports on the “Commander-in-gaffe” story. Check back regularly for updates. (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (June 26, 2015) – ASIO using Washington Post maps. (June 25, 2015) – Questions over maps. (June 24, 2015) – Abbott in ASIO bunker. . Introduction As his “Allegiance to Australia” legislation was about to be […]
A game of poles and wires – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
Queensland tourism stalls. Ban the bins. A brief shining moment – By far, Campbell Newman’s best speech. From asset sales to asset leasing – A game of poles and wires. Overcrowding in youth detention centres. Tweet of the week – Hi-vis vending machines installed. . Queensland Tourism stalls Premier Campbell Newman’s budget cuts have been […]