Brisbane Times state political reporter Amy Remeikis turned weather journalist on Thursday in the final few hours of the 54th Queensland parliament for 2014. Portentous perhaps of the parliamentary gods’ displeasure with the Newman Government, hail hammered the 150 year old House of Parliament as a storm of biblical proportions rolled over the river city. Valedictory […]
Storm lashes House in final hours of 54th Qld Parliament, #bnestorm #qldpol : @Qldaah
November 28, 2014
A game of poles and wires – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
September 24, 2014
Queensland tourism stalls. Ban the bins. A brief shining moment – By far, Campbell Newman’s best speech. From asset sales to asset leasing – A game of poles and wires. Overcrowding in youth detention centres. Tweet of the week – Hi-vis vending machines installed. . Queensland Tourism stalls Premier Campbell Newman’s budget cuts have been […]