Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports

Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]

Standoff as #LoveMakesAWay holds #refugee vigil at @peterdutton_mp’s office: @Jansant reports

  A STANDOFF is underway at the Strathpine, Queensland, electorate office of federal Minister for Health Peter Dutton. Christian leaders from various denominations entered Dutton’s office at 11am and began a prayer vigil, with a group of around 25 people protesting outside. The group has asked the minister to respond to a request for the immediate removal of […]