Mark Ellis was part of a group of six Queensland police officers who in 1994 dumped three children in the bush at Pinkenba.
Pauline Hanson endorses kidnapper Mark Ellis for Macalister – @Qldaah #Pinkenba6 #qldpol
April 23, 2017
PHONy deals: The Qld LNP’s path to appeasement of One Nation – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol
April 7, 2017
While Queensland Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls dithers on the question of preferencing One Nation, others appear to be making the decision for him.
Pauline Hanson downs PHON plane page – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol
April 5, 2017
Under scrutiny, Pauline Hanson has taken down the 2015 web page which celebrated the arrival of her Jabiru aircraft.