[clear] It was in January, whilst on a family beach holiday, that I first became aware of the protest happening at the Leard State Forest. I had not heard of the Leard before, however the words ‘Maules Creek’ and ‘Whitehaven’ vaguely floated into my consciousness as I read a Twitter report of the action […]
Civil disobedience and the #leardblockade: @adropex comments
April 22, 2014
Filed Under: #ActiveDemocracy, #auspol, #leardblockade, Activism, Civil Disobedience, Democracy, Front Page, Lesley Howard Tagged With: #leardblockade, Activists, civil disobedience, climate change, coal, Coal seam gas, Coalition, Direct Action, ETS, Greenpeace, Integrity, Lock the Gate, Mainstream Media, Margo Kingston, Mining, NGO, Protest., Social Media, Twitter Report, water