Even though the State of Emergency which prohibits large political protests is still in place, tens of thousands turned out on the streets of Paris for climate justice in various creative protests. The French state on Friday, relented, and allowed the protest to go ahead. For two weeks activists had been planning a day for […]
Thousands protest for #climatejustice in Paris #D12 as #COP21 concludes reports @takvera
#Climate justice demanded of world leaders at #COP21 reports @takvera from Paris
Today I observed and sometimes joined a peaceful human chain for a climate of peace on the Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. Organisers estimated about 10,000 people participated in one way or another. This event took place because Parisians and visitors to Paris were denied the freedom of speech and assembly to march down the street […]
Activists vow to mobilise at #COP21 climate summit despite protest ban reports @takvera
At a press conference in Paris on Friday afternoon activists unveiled how they would mobilize people in France to have a say despite the state of emergency that prohibts mass protests. The Climate 21 coalition, a coalition of 130 groups involving unions, environment, community and climate activist associations, are adamant that the protests scheduled on […]
ANZ Bank HQ in Melbourne occupied by #ClimateWarriors: @Takvera
The Pacific Climate Warriors travelled to Melbourne today and were part of an occupation of the lobby of the Headquarters of the ANZ Bank. Over eighty people participated standing in solidarity with Pacific Islanders whose homes and cultures are being destroyed by fossil fuel expansion. Last week the Climate Warriors visited Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek […]
Living with coal, @Sikamikanico joins Pacific #ClimateWarriors to blockade Newcastle Port. #leardblockade
It’s pretty irritating living next to the coal train line in the shadow of the world’s largest coal port. The outside walls of our house are constantly covered in a layer of coal dust. I have to wash the dust out of the laundry baskets every time we use them (and yes, we do regularly […]
Protestors #floodpolluters – AGL Energy occupied in Melbourne @Takvera reports
Over 60 people occupied the AGL Energy head office in Melbourne this morning siting down on the 23rd floor offices of this energy producer and retailer. Several people locked themselves together on the 23rd floor. A number of climate guardian angels locked on to the front doors at street level. Why were they there? AGL […]
Standoff as #LoveMakesAWay holds #refugee vigil at @peterdutton_mp’s office: @Jansant reports
A STANDOFF is underway at the Strathpine, Queensland, electorate office of federal Minister for Health Peter Dutton. Christian leaders from various denominations entered Dutton’s office at 11am and began a prayer vigil, with a group of around 25 people protesting outside. The group has asked the minister to respond to a request for the immediate removal of […]
‘Not a criminal in the classic sense’: @DrRimmer on the sentencing of Jono Moylan #leardblockade #standwithjono
ON July 25, 2014, Justice David Davies sentenced Jonathan Moylan at the Supreme Court of New South Wales for a breach of section 1041E (1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The ruling is a careful and deliberate decision, showing equipoise. Justice Davies has a reputation for being a thoughtful and philosophical adjudicator. The […]
Still hoping to get arrested before I die: Robin Mosman, 73, reports her adventure at #leardblockade
My husband and I have just come back from the Leard Forest Blockade. We went because of a combination of total frustration at the lack of any meaningful action by the Federal or NSW state governments on climate change, and because we were outraged at the NSW Environment Minister’s action in allowing winter clearing of […]
No right to report civil disobedience? Why @margokingson1 pleads guilty at #leardblockade
When I was charged with trespass at the #leardblockade on March 31 (see Getting #leardblockade arrested, WTF is journalism and who’s the extremist: @margokingston1 interview with @dailytelegraph), I sought legal advice on whether I could plead not guilty because of the implied right to freedom of political communication under the Constitution. There is no legal basis for press […]