Two Thousand Attend Perth March in August: Rick Hoyle – Mills @RickHM reports

[View the story “Two Thousand Attend Perth March in August” on Storify]

Brisbane and Melbourne #MarchInAugust in photos by: @f00naa, @GriffithElects & @Jansant.

Speaking out at Gosford #MarchInAugust: @FrBower transcript

  Welcome. We come together today because we are conscious of the many challenges we face in the 21st century. We are here because we understand that to meet these challenges we must see beyond the short term, beyond the election cycle, and beyond traditional party loyalties. The biggest challenges facing humanity today are global; […]

Central Coast 2014 March against Abbott Government: Ed @CentralCoast14 reports #MarchInAugust

[View the story “Central Coast March in August Bust the Budget” on Storify]

Adelaide marches for a fair and equal Australia: Alice Gorman @drspacejunk reports

[View the story “Adelaide marches for a fair and equal Australia” on Storify]

Great #MarchinAugust turnout in Port Macquarie: Nellie @woolkebb reports for #nofibs

[View the story “PORT MACQUARIE #MarchinAugust #nofibs” on Storify]