While renewables are being encouraged by the Andrews Government with the proposal for a Victorian Renewable Energy Target, the first domino in Victoria’s brown coal fired power industry has succumbed. Alcoa announced this week it would be closing it’s 50MW high sulphur dioxide polluting coal fired power station and mine at Anglesea at the end […]
First Victorian #coal domino falls: @takvera reports on Alcoa #Anglesea power Station closure
May 16, 2015
Why is it so hard to close down Victoria’s dirtiest #coal power Stations? asks @Takvera
April 17, 2015
Over 200 people rallied at lunchtime on the steps of the Victorian Parliament house to kickstart a campaign (again) to shut down Hazelwood and Anglesea coal fired power stations. Greens MLA Ellen Sandell made a statement to parliament during the morning (see bottom of article) calling on the Labor Government, led by Premier Daniel Andrews, […]
Anglesea community want Alcoa coal mine shut down: @takvera reports
August 23, 2014
Anglesea residents want to see the Alcoa owned power station and coal mine they have suffered with for the last 50 years closed down. Since Alcoa has closed the Port Henry Aluminium Smelter the last justification for the mine and power station has ended. The coal mine and power station no longer has a social […]