Money makes the world go round. That’s a truism in a market economy. The promise of democracy – one vote, one person, one value – ought to balance that. But what if money makes the political world go round? Nothing less than the fate of electoral democracy is at stake if we let money swamp […]
Money has swamped Qld politics, and that endangers democracy: @Graeme_Orr #qldvotes comment
January 27, 2015
Railway to nowhere – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
November 25, 2014
Galaxy poll: TPP 50-50, Labor leads on primary vote. Wayne Goss farewelled at public memorial. Railway to nowhere – Adani taxpayer funded infrastructure. No inquiry into cash for sand. UMC vows new VLAD law challenge. . Galaxy poll: TPP 50-50, Labor leads on primary vote On Friday, The Courier Mail ran with a confident Premier […]
Make a difference – The Qld Weekly #qldpol: @Qldaah
November 17, 2014
G20: Over and out. The passing of Goss the Boss. Newman’s anti-graffiti laws net artist. High Court challenge to VLAD laws fails. Cash for rezoning: Seeney and Dickson’s caravan adventure. Age of entitlement still raging. . G20: Over and out Visions of Premier Campbell Newman steaming out of the Port of Brisbane to confront the […]