Sweetening the deal: #SPCsunday helps preserve Aussie icon @LindaDrummond reports

By Linda Drummond @LindaDrummond 15th February 2014 It’s easy to look at an issue and think: Someone should do something about that, but it seems our governments are becoming less inclined to be the ones to do something. So where does that leave us? We can either complain. Or we can act. Last week I […]

Fact-checking @coles and @woolworths for #SPCsunday, by @adropex

By Lesley Howard @adropex 9th February 2014 (Updated 11 February 2014) BACKGROUND  In a tweet to me @Coles said, “around 90% of our Coles Brand Food and drink is Australian made”. I asked them to “confirm for me that about 90% of Coles own brands are 100% Aus product.” In response they politely referred me to their […]

Then they came for the farmers… #SPC #leardblockade

[clear] By Alison Parkes  6th February 2014 Two recent issues have been in the news lately concerning rural and regional communities – the impending closure of SPC and the Leardblockade. People in capital cities, on social media and old media talk about thinks like SPC or live export or another mine as if they are […]

#SPC Ardmona isn’t just a factory – @AmyFeldtmann memories

[clear] By  Amy Feldtmann  @AmyFeldtmann 2nd February 2014 Originally published at amyfeldtmann.com I am a graduate of Dookie Primary School No. 1527, where there was a grand total of five students in my grade. All up, our school roll-call peaked at about 60 in my later years. The primary school was on a block so large […]