I sent this email to the Media Alliance today. Dear Media Alliance, Last night’s Media Watch discussed the ethical dispute among journalists over the ethics of recording interviewees without their permission. The dispute shows serious disagreement on the matter. The Age believes it is always ethical. Some others, including me, believe it it permissible only […]
Reza’s death demands a judicial inquiry, but where is the pressure? @GregDyett reports
[clear] By Margo Kingston @margokingston1 27th February 2014 Here is the transcript and audio of this evening’s SBS World Radio item by Greg Dyett @GregDyett on the Manus Island detention centre review and whether it will do the job. I’m thrilled there are a few journalists who understand how important this matter is for the […]
Your current federal Press Gallery list
Another member if the Press Gallery reckons a secret list is not on, so here is, drumroll, the latest version. We recently published the September 2012 list. Anyone like to explore what the changes in 6 months say about how the PG is changing? Also refer to No Fibs stories on Your guide to the Press Gallery […]
The Press Gallery contemplates reform: Join the conversation
By Margo Kingston May 2nd, 2013 The Canberra Press Gallery is in a reforming state of mind, and to my surprise I’m making a contribution, thanks to Twitter. And thanks to the Press Gallery Committee President @David_Speers, Tweeps can have an input too. The PGC decides who joins the club. In the old days we […]
Pity the poor journalist…
By Sally Baxter February 24. 2013 Source: SallyBaxter Pity the poor journalist. For every pompous hack filing his or her daily lecture to the nation, there are countless others trying to do more and more every day with less and less. At the same time, if they’re smart, they’re trying to get a handle on […]
Independent media must take Fairfax’s place
By Margo Kingston Source: ABC The Drum June 25th 2012 So, it’s finally over. Although it has been coming for a long time, really. What happened last week was just the full stop. Decades of mismanagement and executive asset stripping now sees Fairfax on its knees, bending to Gina. And there is the real prospect […]