I sent this email to the Media Alliance today. Dear Media Alliance, Last night’s Media Watch discussed the ethical dispute among journalists over the ethics of recording interviewees without their permission. The dispute shows serious disagreement on the matter. The Age believes it is always ethical. Some others, including me, believe it it permissible only […]
Absolute freedoms destroy freedom: Disney
Extract of evidence from Professor Julian Disney on freedom of expression and Australian newspapers to the Senate hearing on media reform, March 19 There are substantial problems with media standards in Australia. A number of them we have in common with other countries… We also gather (information) from journalists as well. Journalists tend to speak […]
So who is threatening our democracy?
Is that the truth or did you read it in The Daily Telegraph? Is that the truth or did you read it in The Daily Telegraph?
Dear elected representatives, give the public a seat at the media reform table
By Noely Neate March 19, 2013 Open Letter to OUR Elected Federal Government Representatives from punter Noely Neate Hi.Have you seen this excellent & thorough explanation of exactly what the reforms are and how they will affect the media? Explainer: Conroy’s proposed new media laws is by Martin Hirst, Associate Professor Journalism and Media at Deakin UniversityDear […]
Kerry Stokes, free speech defender? Spare me
By Margo Kingston March 18, 2013 I reckon it’s time for journos to start spilling the beans on the ‘free speech’ nonsense being spouted by big media. The big boys’ self-righteous, self-interested hypocrisy in the media reform debate is surely too much for any of us who care about the survival of our profession to stomach. […]
@albericie debates @chriskkenny on media self regulation reform: And the winner is?
https://twitter.com/chriskkenny/status/311990098428317696 @chriskkenny It's not a left/right issue but one of fairness why should TV & radio news be regulated but print news not? who's politicking? — Emma Alberici (@albericie) March 14, 2013 https://twitter.com/chriskkenny/status/311998309478846467 @chriskkenny Broadcasters already regulated through ACMA what is wrong with PIMA ensuring press does what its own self-reg says it will? — […]
Pollies citizens need to pass media reforms
By Margo Kingston March 17, 2013 Public support will be crucial to the success of the media reforms. Please contact the following key politicians whose decisions will determine the outcome. You CAN make a difference. This list was kindly compiled by Barry Tucker @btckr Adam Bandt Twitter @adambandt Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Adam.Bandt.MP email [email protected] Canberra (02) 6277 4775 FAX ACT (02) 6277 8583 […]
Last chance to rein in Murdoch
By Margo Kingston March 16, 2013 Here’s a history lesson on the long road to media dominance by Rupert Murdoch, aided by both big parties, via two chapters in my book. The Liberals said yes to Murdoch under Howard, and will keep saying yes. They are partners, or rather, Abbott is Murdoch’s puppet. I also tell the […]
My conversation with a Murdoch press release
By Margo Kingston March 16, 2013 Has anyone seen a piece discussing the REAL effects of media reforms on Murdoch's Australian empire? The freedom of press thing is crap. — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) March 15, 2013 .@chriskkenny, what would the effect of Conroy's media proposals be on Murdoch's capacity to expand his Australian media empire? — […]
Media reform laws address abuses of long-fought for freedoms
By Matt da Silva (@mattdasilva) March 15th, 2013 Source:Happy Antipodean In a useful run-down on his blog, journalism law academic Mark Pearson outlines some objections to the government’s proposed media reform legislation. It is a little brief and although it starts out promisingly, political concerns quickly rush to the fore. Here’s his first objection, near the top: […]