The @smh #Webdiary story: Interview with @margokingston1 by @timdunlop in his book ‘The New Front Page’ #MediaMargo

My return to journalism via Twitter was enabled by several readers and contributors to Webdiary, which I’m told by online media academic Axel Bruns was the world’s first Mainstream media interactive blog. I’m now committed to telling my story in journalism in a professional memoir, which will comprise part of a PhD. In A collaborative […]

#murdochmafia climate change denial: @ekidna1 and @DrRimmer on countering @rupertmurdoch propaganda

[clear] In Australia, there has been a fierce debate over media reporting of climate change, particularly by the Murdoch media empire. In a recent interview in 2014 with Sky News, Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive officer of News Corporation and 21st Century Fox, maintained: ‘We should approach climate change with great scepticism.’ He commented: Climate […]

A Murdoch-free household is a galaxy too far: @burgewords #CreatingWaves on #NewsCorp

  NEWS sites are getting harder to access for free of late. Paywalls are up and apparently profitable for News Corp and Fairfax. Crikey had one for years and recently Wendy Harmer’s flagship site The Hoopla shut the gate on free reads with its 34 cent per day subscription. Media-hungry online consumers are faced with a choice about […]

Sheilas’ @sarah_capper: Feminist #Frightbats Unite!

[clear] [clear]We’re proud supporters of ‘Feminist Frightbats’ at Sheilas, having published more than a few of the contributors listed in Tim Blair’s “hysterical” blog post on News Limited’s Daily Telegraph website a couple of days ago. Under the post titled ‘Crown Our Crazy Queen’, Blair launched a predictable ideologically driven sexist spray against what he labeled “this […]

The Tele’s disappearing act on Abbott’s #KnightsAndDames: @btckr comments

By Barry Tucker @btckr Every now and then the mainstream news media (MSM) does something that demonstrates the gulf between itself, its audience and social media (SM). It is almost comical because the MSM is trying to move from its dying print model to the digital world of SM. Much of the MSM has made the […]

Carbon Cate takes direct action on the cultural cringe @burgewords #CreatingWaves

With two Academy Awards under her belt, Australian-born actress Cate Blanchett has been granted a position within an international cultural elite. It’s been fascinating to watch the response of the Australian media, particularly News Corp, who dubbed her ‘Carbon Cate’ when she joined a 2011 advertising campaign encouraging Australians to understand the benefits of the […]

Wake up. Roll over. Realise this could be the last morning before Tony Abbott becomes PM

By Sarah Capper 6 September 2013 Savour the moment, but only fleetingly – the incumbent PM is not exactly shaking the sauce bottle. Momentarily think about sex appeal. Come properly awake with a flurry of gag reflexes. Turn on the remnants of ABC Rage, but suddenly have painful flashback to last week and Julie Bishop’s music choices.  Realise […]

Socialists launch election campaign in Wills and Corio: @takvera reports

By John Englart 11 August 2013 Socialist activists launched their election campaign on Saturday night in support of candidates in two ‘safe’ Labor seats in Victoria: Margarita Windisch in Wills, based on Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs, and Sue Bull in Corio centred on the regional city of Geelong. The electorate of Wills (See Seat profile) […]

Don’t walk past, @abcmarkscott and @dailytelegraph

  Update:     @abcmarkscott + K Williams ( News Ltd CEO), 'THE STANDARD YOU WALK PAST IS THE STANDARD YOU ACCEPT' Follow Fairfax example. @jointdestroyer — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 (@margokingston1) June 16, 2013 Apology from ABC yet? Statement? Reporting? Apology from News Ltd yet? Statement? Reporting?Go #Fairfax. Set benchmark, reported stories — 📣Margo Kingston💧🔥 […]

The MSM’s NDIS: Make the frame, change the frame, WTFs the frame?

By Tony ‘The Geek’ Yegles May 4 2013 I was fascinated by the media’s framing of the NDIS debate this week. Within 48 hours it moved from reporting a naked tax grab by the Prime Minister, to a worthy initiative when Mr Abbott put the national interest ahead of his political interest. Update below May 15 […]