Intro: Extract of Still Not Happy, John: Defending our Democracy (Penguin 2007) Democracy v. the Beast Her appeal was simply that she represented something authentic in a culture of artefact. She was transparent in an era during which the political class have become expert at concealment. She was a still point in a culture […]
#murdochmafia climate change denial: @ekidna1 and @DrRimmer on countering @rupertmurdoch propaganda
August 17, 2014
[clear] In Australia, there has been a fierce debate over media reporting of climate change, particularly by the Murdoch media empire. In a recent interview in 2014 with Sky News, Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive officer of News Corporation and 21st Century Fox, maintained: ‘We should approach climate change with great scepticism.’ He commented: Climate […]
#Mediawatch honest broker for silent, censored Piers’ ABC
June 18, 2013
The art of deflecting blame David Koch: And is Tim Gay? Howard Sattler: He must be gay, he’s a hair dresser… David Koch: Julia Gillard quizzed about her partner’s sexuality… — Channel Seven, Sunrise, 14th June, 2013 That’s how Kochie promo’d it on Seven’s Sunrise: “Is Tim Gay?” Not, “Shock jock madness.” Welcome to Media […]