NSW resident and non member of the Queensland parliament, Dee Madigan, has been referred to the state’s ethics committee for ridiculing Jarrod Bleijie MP.
Dee Madigan referred to Qld Ethics Committee over Jarrod Bleijie ridicule – @qldaah #qldpol
Civil rights and wrongs at #leardblockade: @adropex comments
[clear] [clear] Most Australians would take for granted that in a democracy such as ours certain human rights and freedoms are a given. In fact, the Australian constitution is limited in its articulation of human rights to the point of barely referencing them. We do not have an equivalent to the United States Bill of […]
Bolt no free speech champion, just another rhetor*
By Thomas Connelly May 11, 2013 Margo: I read with incredulity Andrew Bolt’s begging letter to citizens to donate to the IPA’s fund to defend free speech http://support.ipa.org.au/. IPA donors Murdoch and Gina could finance a free speech fund with their spare change. This appeal is about something else, changing the very meaning of free […]
The Forgotten People
By Margo Kingston May 9, 2013 The day after Howard, Abbott and Brandis, among other Liberals, pulverised our freedoms for George Bush, they did it again for Chinese President Hu. This chapter of my book is Part 5 in our series of memory joggers for shadow Attorney General George Brandis, in the hope that he revises his recent […]
George Brandis, free speech charlatan
MARGO: I am so disgusted with the Brandis free speech interview on @Lateline I don’t trust myself to write about it. It brought back memories of the Howard Government’s relentless assaults on free speech, egregiously denied by Brandis last night, and of his nasty record. So @NoFibs will try to drag truth back on the public […]