by Tony Yegles (The Geek) 5 July 2013 In which my investigation into who is behind Twitter DIRTBOT accounts @LaborDirt and @ALPdirt and websites and reveals a series of inadvertent coincidences, happenstances and riddles wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. What do you do when you come across obnoxious online behaviour of the troll-abuser-defamer […]
When blocking a troll escalates risk of troll-harm: A @geeksrulz investigation
July 5, 2013
Filed Under: #auspol, Corruption, Democracy, election2013, Fifth Estate, Freedom of Speech, Front Page, Social Media, Tony The Geek Tagged With: @alpdirt, @dotnetnoobie, @labordirt, #auspol, anonymous troll accounts, cyberstalking, David Thiessen, defamation, dirt units, dirtbots, Free Speech, harrassment,, online abuse, online bullying, Spambots