[clear] By Mark Pearson @journlaw 5th February 2014 Politicians are free expression chameleons. Regardless of their political colours, they are inevitably staunch advocates of a free media and the free flow of information while in opposition. When they win government they tend to shut down criticism and negative press by implementing policies and passing laws to limit […]
Abbott’s attack on ABC proves politicians are free press chameleons – @journlaw reports
February 5, 2014
George Brandis, free speech charlatan
May 8, 2013
MARGO: I am so disgusted with the Brandis free speech interview on @Lateline I don’t trust myself to write about it. It brought back memories of the Howard Government’s relentless assaults on free speech, egregiously denied by Brandis last night, and of his nasty record. So @NoFibs will try to drag truth back on the public […]
Liberals Ashby wall of silence cracks….
February 2, 2013
First Labor – Liberal media debate on the Ashby Affair: Lateline transcript February 2, David Bradbury-v-Christopher Pyne http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2013/s3681711.htm Margo Kingston comments in red DAVID BRADBURY: … Can I make the point, there is one word I would like to remind Chris of and that’s Ashby and his involvement in the Ashby affair, but more particularly […]