Note: This piece previously published on Julian Burnside’s website: It is a miserable thing to report, but our politicians who inflict unspeakable misery on refugees are apparently not willing to explain themselves. An Australian citizen recently wrote to six Federal MPs asking a couple of very simple questions. Each letter was less than a […]
When has the suspension of the rule of law ever been a win for humanity? asks Fr Rod Bower @FrBower
A version of this piece first appeared on Anglican Parish of Gosford Facebook page. There is a great evil being perpetrated in the name of the Australian people and up until this point in time, with the compliance of the majority. That popular amenability must now quickly become a minority if Australia is not to […]
Try stopping the bleeding hearts: @burgewords #CreatingWaves
There’s no use beating around the bush: The Abbott Government has stopped the boats. I am arts columnist for No Fibs, and I probably should be writing about the Arts. However, like many artists in Australia at the moment, I am experiencing plenty of distractions of the political kind. I find it difficult to focus […]
Visiting concentration camps in Utopia: @burgewords interviews @GGeorgiadisRN on ‘that’ comment the DIBP didn’t like
The Australian twittersphere freaked out when refugee advocate @VanessaPowell25 was threatened with legal action by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) earlier this month. Unless she removed a post on her Facebook, which documented one moment at a protest outside the Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney’s Western Suburbs, the DIBP would “consider […]