[clear] [clear] By Lesley Howard @adropex 19 January 2014 In Chapter 2 “The First Pillar: Faith” Bernardi presents a strong and considered study of the historical contribution Christianity has made to Australia’s national development and how this heritage is represented in the laws and moral codes of Australian society today. Bernardi proposes that faith is fundamental to […]
How I reported Gellibrand for @NoFibs, by citizen journo @Dusty_1
October 24, 2013
By Grant Philpots 24 October, 2013 Margo: The highlight for me of my return to journalism so far has been @NoFibs Twitter-based citizen journo seat reports for the 2013 federal election, and a couple of our contributors want to keep keep reporting on the seat where they live. In this post Grant reflects on his […]
The art of journalism: satisfying beginners and expert readers
May 20, 2013
By Sally Baxter May 19, 2013 What makes a journalist? A lot of people – inside and outside the profession – are asking that question. If you think it takes a genius, think again. Good journalists have a representative of their audience in mind who informs every step of their work. My background’s print, so it’s natural […]