The result in the seat of Indi is final. Only in the last few weeks, as her 2016 campaign collapsed, has the topic of Sophie Mirabella not rekindled in me the upset and anxiety of the last decade. Rather the emotion was one of grudging compassion. With hindsight, the similarity in the unrelenting […]
Burnt bridges: A reflection on the demise of Sophie Mirabella by @adropex
July 20, 2016
Filed Under: #ActiveDemocracy, #auspol, #ausvotes, #ausvotes2016, #IndiStory, #IndiVotes, election2016, Front Page, Indi, Lesley Howard Tagged With: Cathy McGowan, Coalition, community, Education, election, Indi, IPA, leadership, Lie, Malcolm Turnbull, Sophie Mirabella, Victoria, Voice for Indi
Exploring the Great Transition @MargaretOConno5 #sustainability #community
July 6, 2015

If you’ve ever owned poultry, you’ll be all too familiar with its eerie ability to win people over. You may be living in a neighbourhood with all the warmth and collegiality of a nuclear bunker but no sooner will you purchase Rhode Island Reds, and your icy-cold and haughty neighbours will be beaming, poking their […]
Filed Under: #auspol, Authors, Environment, Front Page, Issues, Margaret O'Connor Tagged With: #sustainability, community, economic transition, environment, food