Food and agriculture debated by Labor and Greens in Wills: @takvera reports

By John Englart 25 August 2013 Discussing Food and agriculture policy may seem a little bit incongruent in an inner urban electorate, but the forum held in Wills at the Coburg Farmers market on Saturday highlights that city people are concerned with farming and agricultural practices that affect everyone from farmers to city consumers. The […]

Beattie campaign launch: @stephaniedale22 reports

By Stephanie Dale 25 August 2013 Here is what’s impressive about Peter Beattie’s bid for a seat in the House of Representatives of the 44th Australian parliament: the humility of a man once at the top of his tree being willing to till the soil all over again to build a vision for his life anew. […]

When blocking a troll escalates risk of troll-harm: A @geeksrulz investigation

by Tony Yegles (The Geek) 5 July 2013 In which my investigation into who is behind Twitter DIRTBOT accounts @LaborDirt and @ALPdirt and websites and reveals a series of inadvertent coincidences, happenstances and riddles wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. What do you do when you come across obnoxious online behaviour of the troll-abuser-defamer […]