Climate heresy in the high country: @burgewords comments on #NewEnglandVotes

To turn this region into a true believer, New England voters need to decide if we want fossil fuel extraction in the energy plan. WHEN state member for the NSW seat of Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall put pen to paper in favour of renewable electricity generation in mid-2018, the news made barely a ripple in […]

March for #climatejustice in Bonn at #COP23 calls for #endcoal by @takvera

Latest report from Nofibs reporter John Englart in Bonn Germany for the UN Climate Change Conference: In the immediate vicinity of the latest UN climate change conference COP23 and the largest lignite mining area of Europe, twenty five thousand people demonstrated for the immediate implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in the city of Bonn, […]

Energy and economics: @albericie Vs @chriskkenny Twitter battle – @Qldaah #auspol

After Emma Alberici questioned Malcolm Turnbull’s commitment to liberalism, Chris Kenny lept to the defence of the PM. So we now have a Liberal PM who's whacking a tax on banks, interfering in energy mkt & now using taxpayer $ to prop up commercial media 🤔 — Emma Alberici (@albericie) September 13, 2017 Have economics […]

Citizens of the planet unite demanding leaders save the #peoplesclimate: @jansant reports

The weekend saw more than 600,000 people take to the streets in 175 countries calling on world leaders to agree on binding emission reductions during the Paris Climate Talks. Melbourne led the way with 60,000 people attending, followed by London with 50,000, while Sydney’s crowd was estimated at 45,000. 60000 people have turned out in […]

BP has no right to risk the Bight’s #environment: @Wilderness_Aus comments

Just five years ago, one of the worst oil spill disasters in history shocked the world when BP’s undersea oil well, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, BP has its sights set on Australia. During the disaster, 11 workers tragically lost their lives and for 87 days, oil spewed into the Gulf […]

Hastie’s climate change action focus on economy in #CanningVotes: @Jackthelad1947 reports

The Mandurah Pre-Poll voting centre is located at the beautiful SeaShells resort, voters arriving Tuesday were greeted by the Liberal, Labor, Greens and Palmer United parties. It was a sunny spring day and a steady stream of people were flowing in to vote. There was a lot of excitement among the parties after the Roy […]

Role-modelling workforce participation at #G20Brisbane: @Sarah_Capper comment

Female leadership has been on display in recent weeks – despite weeks saturated by coverage of the G20 Brisbane meet, with a city on partial lockdown, bar an explosion of Queensland Cops, and punters and photo journalists alike, quietly hopeful the PM would, in this instance, keep to his word, with the promise of a […]

Obama’s Brisbane climate clarion call to Australia and the world

As we develop, as we focus on our econ, we cannot forget the need to lead on the global fight against climate change.  Now, I know that’s — (applause) — I know there’s been a healthy debate in this country about it.  (Laughter.)  Here in the Asia Pacific, nobody has more at stake when it […]

The #protectgloucester camp: @coolmccool reports

  The Protect Gloucester camp is now open and ready for business. Situated among breath-taking scenery close to AGL’s fracking site, the camp is manned by a team of dedicated locals, who have put in many hours of hard work to get the camp ready. Built to meet very stringent regulations demanded by the local […]

@RobinMosman calls on grandparents of Australia to unite for climate action

In August this year my husband Warwick and I went back to the Leard Blockade with a group of friends, and blockaded one of the roads to the Maules Creek mine for a few hours.  We’d made a number of signs to hold, but our favourite was one that said “Grandparents for Intergenerational Equity”.  I […]