By Margo Kingston @margokingston1 27 February 2014 Soon after I took to Twitter in late 2012 I was horrified by the decision of the Daily Telegraph to bury its report of the December 12 Rares judgement dismissing James Ashby’s sexual harassment action against Peter Slipper as an abuse of Court process. The paper screamed headlines when […]
A familiar AFP smell over Slipper and #Ashby
Update 15 July, 2013 FINANCE STATEMENT ON SLIPPER SUMMONS: Pyne wrong on Lateline In the light of a media report this week which contradicted my report that someone other than the Finance Department referred the 2010 travel claim by Slipper to the AFP which resulted in his prosecution I emailed the Finance Department for clarification.This […]
Why the people demand – and pay for – an #Ashby investigation
Margo: In part five of our series on new political activists, the man who inspired the formation of the Ashbygate Trust tells the why and how of it. By Brock Turner (@Turlow1) 2 July 2013 So how do you get complete strangers to commit more than $50,000 in two weeks, and what would prompt you […]
More #Ashby #mediafail: Joan Evatt on the appeal
By Joan Evatt @NoFibs legal writer May 13, 2013 The last time I entered a courtroom, nearly 28 years ago, I was so heavily pregnant I waddled rather than walked. I was a character witness for a work colleague discovered driving without a licence. On that occasion I exchanged heated words with the Prosecutor, a pompous […]
#Ashby appeal: Slipper’s turn
By Joan Evatt May 3, 2013 It was Peter Slipper’s turn today in Day 2 of the Ashby v Slipper Appeal. Slipper was represented by well-known Sydney silk, Ian Neil SC. He had to wait for twenty minutes or so while Michael Lee SC endeavoured to add further to his submissions from yesterday. The issues Lee […]
My Twitter interview with #Ashby’s media adviser
By Margo Kingston May 3, 2013 Mr Anthony McClellan followed me this morning, after I tweeted on the #Ashby appeal. His invitation to talk. So I threw him some questions and he threw me some answers. We’ve published the interview for the record here. It is interesting that he chose to speak for Ashby lawyers Harmers […]
#Ashby appeal, Day 1
By Joan Evatt May 3, 2013 With the exception of Michael Harmer all the key players were there for the media to take quick photos and 15-second video grabs. Peter Slipper and James Ashby are starting to look a little frayed around the edges as they prepare to endure yet another round in this legal […]
Joan Evatt’s preview of #Ashby appeal
By Joan Evatt April 29, 2013 Editors note: Here is Joan’s preview of the appeals by Ashby and his lawyer Michael Harmer against the Justice Rares’ dismissal of Ashby’s sexual harassment claim against Slipper as an abuse of the judicial system. Joan will report the hearing for @NoFibs. Her first report is here. Just when you think […]
Perrett urges AFP to investigate #Ashby now, adds Abetz to list
[clear] By Margo Kingston March 20, 2013 EXCLUSIVE Graham Perrett has written to the AFP demanding it resume its investigation into possible criminal activity surrounding the court action by James Ashby against the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Peter Slipper. He has also added Liberal Senator Eric Abetz to the list of people the […]
Looking for my Aunty
By Nancy Cato February 17, 2013 Yes – silly isn’t it. I feel rather foolish making this awful public confession that I’ve sort of lost my Aunty, but it’s a fact – if a fact can be ‘sort of’. Anyway, I do my share of complaining about the lack of any sort of facts in […]