
Rebekha Sharkie says get engaged and enraged for #Ausvotes: @MakeMayoMatter #ViewFromTheCrossbench

I wonder whether the ordinary voter is not becoming sick and tired of the vested interests which unduly influence the present political parties and yearn for the emergence of a third political force representing middle of the road policies which would owe allegiance to no outside pressure group. Don Chipp (from Hansard) This quote is […]

The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments

The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]