Token #ausvotes funding to Great Barrier Reef facing #extinction. A #climateemergency warns @takvera

We need to come to terms that the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem and coral reef ecosystems globally as we know them, are facing extinction. It is a climate emergency. The reef is our canary in a coalmine and it is now dying from the greenhouse gases we have released. Early surveys of the Great Barrier […]

UNESCO report on Heritage sites affected by #climatechange censored in #ReefGate scandal reports @takvera

A UNESCO report identifies World Heritage sites at risk from climate change, but there is no mention of Australian sites in the report. The Australian Government requested that all mentions be deleted, and this was complied with by UNESCO. This censorship of science should raise many questions. Professor Will Steffen’s statement on ReefGate from the […]

Hazelwood closure or sale mooted by Engie CEO, under pressure of French Government reports @takvera

Engie’s CEO Isabelle Kocher told a French Senate Committee on May 25th the company was considering closure or sale of the Hazelwood Power Station in the LaTrobe Valley of Victoria. “For the Hazelwood plant, we are studying all possible scenarios, including closure, or a sale if the state of Victoria tells us that it cannot […]

Perth HQ of Chevron, BP targeted by #Breakfree2016 climate activists – @takvera

The protest included a march and street sit-in, office occupation, and a sit-in occupation in the foyer of the QV1 building, the Perth Headquarters for BP and Chevron in Western Australia. John Englart reports using social media. Perth is home to the largest concentration of oil and gas companies with more than 300 international companies […]

Refugee activists occupy Immigration offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne – @takvera

In a snap action refugee activists called a rally on short notice in Melbourne followed by a march and civil disobedient occupation of Commonwealth immigration offices. Online reporting by John Englart. [View the story “Refugee activists occupy Immigation offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne” on Storify]

#climate protestors close down Newcastle coal port for #Breakfree2016 as #ausvotes called – @takvera

When the politics has failed in taking necessary rapid climate action, more people will step up, to protest, to put their bodies on the line in civil disobedient actions. As part of the Global BreakFree mobilisation Australians blockaded Newcastle coal port on Mothers Day, Sunday 8 May 2016. This article is derived from John Englart’s […]

Bill Shorten on #climate change in #budgetreply reports @takvera

In Bill Shorten’s budget reply speech he mentioned climate change 5 times. This was five times more than Treasurer Scott Morrison used the term in his budget speech. It was a positive and inspiring speech covering the traditional Labor concerns: Jobs, Education, Medicare, Climate Change, Affordable housing, fair taxation, Equality for women, and belief in […]

#ERF auction spends big for just 7 per cent #climate emissions reduction for 2030 argues @takvera

Results from the third Direct Action Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) auction for emissions reduction was announced with 50.5 million worth of offsets at $10.23 each. So 67 per cent of the $2.55 billion budget has been spent to achieve less than 7 per cent of the emissions reduction goal by 2030. [View the story “#ERF […]

Oh @MirabellaSophie you have not changed, by @camklose #Indivotes

Disclosure: Campbell Klose was Cathy McGowan’s media advisor at the 2013 election. Cast your mind back, if you will, to the 2007 federal election. A rogue Tony Abbott, let off his leash, went through the Coalition’s slim chances of re-election like a wrecking ball; abusing Labor members on live TV, giving erratic interviews and generally […]

Can Labor wedge the Coalition on #climatechange in #ausvotes? asks @takvera

Action on climate change is a live issue at the 2016 election, but it is still divisive. The Australian Labor Party unveiled it’s climate action plan to take to the Federal Election, likely to be on July 2. A lot of deliberative thought and nuanced politics have gone into this plan with targeted changes in […]