This is a big moment for me, saying who I am. I have personal, family and business reasons for being anonymous on Twitter. The last piece like this one I wrote 10 years ago on Margo Kingston’s pioneering Webdiary. Does it matter who The Geek is? From the moment I set up a site with […]
WANTED: Mal Brough for Questioning
A long, day for Mal Brough, from ‘up yours’ fluff to, well…. The Courier Mail had a soft story on Mal Brough where they forgot to do journalism and ask the hard questions. Margo Kingston‘s incredulous reaction to the Courier Mail fluff piece came via Twitter” Brough delighted to take @couriermail call, No hard #Ashby ? […]
Did Mr Pyne stay or leave the room?
Mr Pyne doorstop Adelaide February 3, 2013 Today the Prime Minister has serious questions to answer about how she intends to govern for the next seven months with what is clearly an unravelling government. The Prime Minister needs to confirm whether by elections will be held in the normal course of events, say within two […]
“Faining Outrage” from ABC Management
Audio of the 2 Jon Faine interviews in question: Jon Faine Interview with Mike Smith and Mark Baker 23 November 2013 Update: ABC Mediawatch had a segment on the Jon Faine Story. You can find it here. Since our ABC story went live on Tuesday, a new case of how ABC Management responds to […]
What’s happened to our ABC? The Juliar ‘typo’ and cases like Bolt where ABC does say sorry…
[View the story “What’s happened to our ABC? The Juliar “typo”” on Storify]
The Daily Telegraph coverage of the Slipper Scandal
View as slideshow 00Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on Google Share on Linkedin Share by email Imgur · Tue, Jan 01 2013 17:19:11 · Original link 12th December Justice Rares hands down his ruling Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia (No 4) [2012] FCA 1411 Ms Doane asked Mr Ashby […]
What is the “Minchin Protocol” that was denied to Mr Peter Slipper?
Matty Horan explained on Twitter: @margokingston1 It’s called the Minchin protocol because he came up with it after repaying thousands in wrongly claimed travel exes in 1996. — Matt Horan (@mattyhoran) January 10, 2013 and @margokingston1 p2 Daily Tele 15 March 97. Minchin repaid $3150 for travel allowance wrongly claimed during 96 election. Avail on […]
The Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard labels Mr Abbott a misogynist.
The Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard made the most important speech of 2012. The speech has now been seen and praised all over the world by men and women alike. It was included in the Google Zeitgeist video and received 2,193,819 views just on this ABC video alone. No other video the ABC has ever […]