Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.
Qld LNP makes strong choice in Tim Nicholls as new leader – Qldaah #qldpol
Tim Nicholls benefits from preferential voting to take leadership from Lawrence Springborg Liberal National Party Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg has been defeated in a challenge by MP for Clayfield, Tim Nicholls. Mr Springborg mustered 17 votes in the first round over Mr Nicholls on 14 and a third challenger, Tim Mander, on 10. However, it was the […]
Redclaw politics in the unicameral state – Analysis: @Qldaah #qldpol
How Queensland’s electoral voting system was reformed within the space of a month. Table of contents Jump to comments section. Redclaw politics. Post-Fitzgerald Inquiry era. The Representation Bill. Eighteen minutes in Hell. Blood, teeth and claws. . Redclaw politics Call it a Coup d’état, a reform, an upheaval or the trashing of the legacy of […]
Red room and the quest for Queensland fixed four year terms: @Qldaah #qldpol
Opinion The referendum this Saturday on fixed four year terms for the Queensland state parliament will fail. I know this because voters have two main concerns. They fear a return of a “Campbell Newman”; not being able to oust a bad premier for four long years. Queenslanders have also expressed a long harboured desire to restore the upper house which […]
‘We will fight for the worker’ – Michaelia Cash threatens double dissolution: @Qldaah #ausvotes #qldpol #auspol
Update – February 2, 2016 ABC Election Analyst Antony Green confirmed the Turnbull Government does have an election trigger on the issue of the ABCC but the request to the Governor-General would need to be made before May, 2016. . “The government has a valid trigger in the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014, but any request for a […]