
In 2018 Peter Dutton led two challenges against then Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull the second leading to, Scott Morrison becoming leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister.
Turnbull resigned and a by-election was called in the seat of Wentworth which was won by, Kerryn Phelps (@drkerrynphelps ) defeating Liberal candidate, Dave Sharma.
Sharma will again contest the seat against, Phelps.
Refugee human rights was one of three main issues at the Wentworth by-election, Phelps led the cross bench charge for refugees held in detention on Manus and Nauru to be medically evacuated when in need of medical care that could not be provided in those locations.

1.2% margin vs LIB
Area: 38 sq km
Location: Eastern Suburbs Sydney
Australian Electoral Commission seat profile
Division of Wentworth on Wikipedia
Kerryn Phelps: website

Kerryn Phelps stepping up again: @margokingston1 #WentworthVotes #podcast

Margo Kingston interviews Dr Kerryn Phelps, member for Wentworth to discuss why authenticity and delivering on promises is key to her campaign.

The @NoFibs #IndependentsDay Twitter mission at #ausvotes: @margokingston1 comments

The way I see it, every safe Coalition seat must be in play in the sense that quality indies ask tough questions incumbents are forced to answer. That requires courageous indies & committed, creative citizens because a weakened local media can’t do it. Ready to play? #ausvotes — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) February 22, 2019 Hi. […]

Rusted off or how I learned to stop worrying and love the indie: @jansant comments #WentworthVotes #auspol

You could say I’ve been pretty loud in the #WentworthVotes hashtag and you’d be right. Here’s why. In 2013 I was convinced (maybe easily) by a few Twitter accounts I banter with in #auspol to contribute to Margo Kingston’s No Fibs Federal election coverage. A project/experiment with citizens reporting from the seats they lived in: or grassroots […]