By Jenny Bates @jenoutwest 3 September, 2013 The journey is almost over, and my mission to better understand Lalor candidates has proven to be mission impossible. I naively believed the candidates would be keen to answer questions from any local. My first plan of attack was to ask our retiring MP, former prime minister Julia Gillard […]
Bad press, poll shock cloud Rudd’s bid for Griffith
By Jan Bowman September 3, 2013 When I wrote my first profile of Griffith, Kevin Rudd was still a backbencher and the electorate was apparently the safest Labor seat in Queensland. By the time I submitted my second piece, he was prime minister again and Griffith was the focus of national media attention. I could […]
Corangamite’s @DCheesemanMP on the brink: @PrimMich interview
By Michelle Primmer August 27, 2013 On Thursday August 22 Kevin Rudd came to town for a very early morning pre-breakfast meeting cum rally with Geelong MPs Richard Marles (Corio) and Darren Cheeseman (Corangamite). He spent a large chunk of the day campaigning with Darren around his electorate. Later that afternoon Darren headed out to […]
Favoured Liberal in marginal La Trobe avoids public forum, as first shots fired in campaign for Julia Gillard’s old seat of Lalor
By Jenny Bates in Lalor and Michelle Slater in La Trobe August 13 Liberal candidate for the marginal outer-Melbourne seat of La Trobe Jason Wood has declined to attend a public meet-the-candidates forum about education, saying he does not want to attend a single-issue forum. The forum, to be held on Thursday at Emerald Secondary College, […]
A journey to independence via Young Libs, Greens and a close call with ALP
By Su Dharmapala July 31, 2013 My first article last week about Deakin – Labor’s second most marginal seat – was met with predictable howls of foul play from the twitterati. “She is an ALP stooge, can’t believe a word she says,” they screamed. Okay, so it was single howl and not particularly loud, but […]
Three Gillard years zipped by a selfie
By Sarah Capper 19 Juy 2013 In the three short weeks since Kevin Rudd wrested the ALP leadership and title of Prime Minister from Julia Gillard, we’ve all been catapulted (some kicking and screaming) into a parallel universe. That of Kevin’s. National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce recently speculated what it was like to get […]
Review – The Stalking of Julia Gillard
By Matthew Horan @mattyhoran July 9 2013 With the blood still fresh on the walls of the caucus room, Kerry-Anne Walsh’s The Stalking of Julia Gillard is a victim of excellent – or poor – timing. Excellent because the public is looking for an insight into what went wrong with the nation’s first female PM in […]
An in-the-moment comment on the fall of our first female PM
by Margo Kingston 27 June 2013 [View the story “An in-the-moment comment on the fall of our first female PM” on Storify]